I know that resin on granite will yellow in the sun.
I inspected a white (ice) granite counter top. It had been installed the month before. It hasĀ 
a obvious large yellow stain that is resin. The rest of the slab has a light yellow film over it. Except
along the edges where it was bull nosed. I tested it with epoxy stripper and honing powders and could not remove it.
The big puzzle is that it sat in the slab yard exposed to the sun for 7 months and did not yellow
except in a small 6 inch x 6 inch area.
Any ideas as to why. I know the the owners of the slab yard and they showed me several other
slabs sitting in the sun of the same granite, same shipment. There was no yellowing overall
just a couple of small spots.

Tony Warney
Excel Stone and Tile Care