here is a comment on WC from my accountant here in Hawaii:
To answer his question, it is getting worse here, too. WC is one of the biggest rip-offs the government has invented to pay off the insurance companies for their big contributions.
Tell me why we employers, in Hawaii, have been forced to pay for health care long before Obamacare and then pay WC on top of that. Redundant to the max. Plus the rates keep going up when no accidents are reported. Grrrr.
On 12/18/2014 5:02 AM, John Freitag wrote:
Tony you may want o look at the masonry group to see if you fit or I think you will find the fabrication classification will even be higher but it might be worth looking into.
Unfortunately everything in CA. cost more.
John E Freitag
The Stone & Tile School
From: [] On Behalf Of cpstaples
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 10:35 PM
Subject: RE: Workmans comp
tony, and see if you can go under a different classification
Sent on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5
-------- Original message --------
From: Tony Warney
Date:12/17/2014 7:45 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Restoration and Maintenance
Subject: Workmans compNeed to vent. CA wants to put us under janitorial. 25%. Also if a employee gets a paper cut and you do not report it , this can increase your premiums. California seems to be driving small business out.. How is it in your areas?
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