On 22 Apr 2015, at 10:36 pm, Baird Standish <bairdstandish@gmail.com> wrote:CRC is Ceramic Restoration Cream made by National Chemical lab. I use it often with good results on ceramic/porcelain floors. It works better on some finishes than others. particularly good on old porcelain. Usually need a fair amount of weight on a floor machine. I haven't had as much success with it on an angle grinder because of that.B________________________________________From the desk ofBaird StandishManaging PartnerFacility Specialists, LLC15 West Highland Ave. Suite EPhiladelphia, PA 19118Phone: 215-732-7505Fax: 215-546-9160What is crc?Her from has a porcelain polishVery fine pumice will knock down the finish slightly.
Sent from my iPhoneCustomer has etched their shower walls with some type of cleaner, I sampled a spot with CRC and had some results but seemed to polish up the finish higher than the factory. Is there and honing product for porcelain to knock down a finish a bit? thanks
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