To All,
This limestone, about 1200 sq. ft., was installed in a home last November. It was “sealed" at time of installation. However, I am led to believe that construction debris was possibly sealed in to the floor. The sealing was not done in a timely fashion, as I have come to understand. We were called to “fix” the problem. So we honed it with 800 pads and then sealed again. A cloudiness persists. This stone has a degree of reflectivity in some parts of a tile, and other parts of the same tile are flat (no reflection). You can see that there is a lot of veining on this stone. This Friday I was going to take it down to 200 grit to see if I can please the homeowner. If any of you have experience with this stone and have suggestions, I’d love to hear from you. If not, where can I get some dynamite.
Santa Fe Floor Care
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