What is pretty grind

On Sep 24, 2016 1:52 PM, Randy Frye <rfrye6@gmail.com> wrote:
We are doing great to get $4.00 per sqft in Florida for a grind to a polish on travertine. My area of Florida is referred to as the city of Rolls Royce and BMW’s.

Pricing depends on what your competition is bidding. Sometimes you can only find that out by trial and error.

When you follow up on your estimates you give (IT’S OK TO ASK... where your pricing landed within the bidding) and if they say ''we got three bids and yours was WAY! higher than the rest'' you know you have to lower your price so you are competitive or... If they comment you where the lowest cost then you can go up in pricing your services. 

We are always told we are either the highest price or the middle priced company. 

I am happy for Tony he’s living in a good market. 

On Sep 24, 2016, at 2:53 PM, Tony Deluna <tndeluna@gmail.com> wrote:

I typically charge $8-14per sq ft. Depending on how bad the lippage. 
Sometimes bad lippage needs some pregrinding on edges so pads aren't flying across the room taking out a glass sliding door. 
Also with travertine all the fill comes out & needs to be extracted with high pressure, filled & ground. 


$1 per sq ft each stage following...
$1.-move out & back furniture, take pictures first"
Make sure to reinforce around door casings

$1.- pre-grind
$3-4 grind & level metal bond 36grit
$1. -75grit metal, 
$2?-epoxy fill depend on how much needed
$1.- 100 metal, 
$1- 220 resin, 
$1.- 400,
$2.- polish, 
$1.- seal

At $14 per sq ft the results are far better than any installation possible. Flat as concrete and just as easy to clean. You can see the grout but you can't feel it.
I have a case study of one on my web site

Tony DeLuna

On Sep 24, 2016, at 10:02 AM, Richard Middleton <richard@prosteem.com> wrote:

Partners, I will be bidding a residential job for lippage on marble floor. Any suggestions on procedures would be helpful. Machines we have are Hawk 17” and 20”. Also pricing ideas would be helpful. Thank you for any input. Have a great weekend.
Best Regards,
Richard Middleton
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