I been using yelp for about 5 years and at the first few yrs I used the free Servise. They give you a platform to display as many pics as you want and much more. So after a while I realized I was getting a significant amount of biz from free advertising that I decided to pay at the $500 month range. It started slow but ramped up in about a year or less.
Lots of biz from yelp, well worth it.
But they kept calling me to pay more saying I'll get me more biz but I resisted because we can't take on any more biz.
So I just ignore their call messages & never call back.
All is great. Yelp is great just don't let them talk you into paying for more than you need. Also very important!!! Make sure you know which customers come from yelp because if you don't treat them like gold they will ruin your rating with bad reviews and that's impossible to undo.
It's a double edge sword, cuts both ways.
Manage it carefully and it will pay great rewards!!!!
I got about 75 pics on my yelp. There easy to load too.
Actually so much easier than getting them on my web site which I wish was much easier otherwise I would have much more on my website but it takes too much time & effort. I know more pics would be so much more beneficial to my web site but we are so busy I never have time to do it. I wish there was a way to just send them quick & easy.
Tony DeLuna