Without knowing the results of the moisture reading, your solution to scrub the heck out of it, followed by a color seal may be adequate.

Likely, regardless of a previous sealer application or any sealing that you provide post-cleaning, this floor will continue to have problems that can only be rectified by frequent scrubbing and cleaning.

Mosaics on high-use shower floors are always a bad decision. Less grout = less maintenance, in my opinion. 

Blain Haeg
512.257.3070 office
512.750.1242 mobile

On Apr 24, 2017 12:20 PM, "Mike Alston" <realmikealston@gmail.com> wrote:
Good afternoon Pros, a customer has a newly installed shower that is porcelain walls and marble mosaic floor. She had the shower installed last August and has been experiencing stains and molding for several weeks. I told the customer not to use the shower for a few days so I can take a moisture reading before we just jump to conclusions.
Before I left she told me the installer was a friend of a friend and did it seal it. She sealed it herself with products from the local hardware store. However, she was sure how long after the installation she did. Laticrete sent her their color seal but she is reluctant to use it. Would a good cleaning and color seal take care of her problem?

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