The product that was mentioned, Bare Bones, is one of the better strippers on the market. It has a high water based solvent content. However, be aware it also has a strong odor, which on a large area might be overwhelming. As long as you can put blowers on and vent out you will be okay. If the building is occupied at the time of service, you may have objections ( past experience...). Also, it is important not to be in a hurry and let the product dwell and keep it wet. Often there are 15+ coats on a coarse ground terrazzo. As you let it sit, the finish will absorb and you may need to put more stripper over the top and continue to let it dwell. The high build can easily clog a pad, so a hi pro pad is better than a conventional black pad. You might need more than one stripping session and you will probably not get all of it due to the hills and valleys. Grinding as the final step, is recommended if you are going to do a natural shine. If you are just applying a sealer finish to refresh, consider using a Clark Boost pad and a deep scrubbing solution. The boost pad will remove some of the surface finish without the mess and expense of liquifying the finish with a high alkaline. It, of course, depends on the specifications of the job. Just remember, as you bid terrazzo, that you don't know how coarse the grind is until the finish is gone, so give yourself room for a worst case scenario if you need. I hope this helps.
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