Looks like quartz.. never seen thasos with a resin back--On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 3:21 PM, Roger Konarski (via sccpartners list) <sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.simplelists.com > wrote:I would appreciate feedback on the pictures I received via email. The top looks like quartz but stone sample says "Composite Stone Marble Resin" White Thassos. My question is it marble or quartz? I assume it is marble.Thanks,Roger @ Restoration Stoneworks LLC----Visit list archives, subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription preferences: http://stoneandtilepros.simple
lists.com/sccpartners Start a new conversation (thread): sccpartners@stoneandtilepros.simplelists.com Frederick M. Hueston
www.stoneforensics.comoffice 321 514 6845Stone Inspection and Troubleshooting seminar June 11-14, Melbounre FL
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