Use metal bonds probably starting at about 30 or 48 grit, depending on how dimensional the leathering is.
I can also tell you that I recommend the biggest drive plate possible (maybe a 10” or 13” machine) to avoid waving the surface. Keeping the surface monolithic is key to success. Most Restoration professionals don’t have to go this low with metals and believe me, you can wave a countertop easy. Working in the fab industry you know and restoration guys don’t have radial arm machines for in the field (hmm, not a bad idea for a portable type model).
Do a test to confirm results and procedure.
Good luck

Sent from Bob Murrell's iPhone
M3 Technologies, Inc.
Office 800-342-4533

On Jun 16, 2018, at 1:47 PM, Blain Haeg <> wrote:

I've got a request to transition a leathered granite counter into a traditional polished surface. Recommendations for beginning steps before moving into normal granite resins?
Blain Haeg
Gold Standard Floor Care
512.257.3070 office
512.750.1242 cell

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