Diamond impregnated pads may help Brian. Do a test with a 400g then 800g to confirm both the results and the procedure. Also an acid could help too as it shouldn’t hurt the vct. Test, test.

Sent from Bob Murrell's iPhone
M3 Technologies, Inc.
Office 800-342-4533

On Oct 16, 2018, at 9:23 AM, Fred Hueston <fhueston@gmail.com> wrote:

try scrubbing with  a little iron out

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:21 AM Brian Borgen <brianb@atlanticstoneandtilecare.com> wrote:
Hi all, we have a job to bid coming up and it is involving VCT (vinyl
composition tile); in the pictures they have sent us (i have attached
one) it seems as though there is some rust staining on the floor. Is
there any methods or process' that would help this?

Thank you

Brian Borgen
Project Manager
Atlantic Stone and Tile Care

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Frederick M. Hueston
office             321 514 6845      
Stone Inspection and Troubleshooting seminar January 21-24,2019 Las Vegas, NV
For more details see the training section at www.stoneforensics.com
check out the Stone and Tile Radio Show at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drfred  Airs every Wednesday at 6pm EST

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