John Freitag's class Roger Konarski 17 Aug 2010 19:13 EDT

I recently attended took John Freitag's  class in his Florida training center. I’ve been in the business for 7 plus years, constantly have work and have taken numerous training programs in the past. Looking back I wish I  taken his class a lot sooner. The benefits I have already noticed from his class:
•	I prepping the work area much faster at a lower cost in the past.
•	He has a system that I’m able to teach my helpers. I no longer want them on a job with me but want them out doing the jobs.
•	I’m able to get in and out of jobs faster.
•	His system delivers outstanding results and happy customers.
•	Other tips that I have implemented that have been saving a lot money and time.

Instead of going on about his training, I would highly recommend his course. As for the cost, when you factor the production savings and finishing jobs faster. In my opinion it was free!

Roger Konarski